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621 UFC Hall of Famer Bas Rutten on Fundamentals of Real Self-Defense, Savage Fight Stories, How He’s Handled Bullies, Breathing Techniques for Increasing Stamina and Endurance

This is a OPEN AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #621- visit www.TinyTim.blog for more AI summaries, or www.Tim.blog for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

Bas Rutten is a successful martial artist and former UFC Heavyweight Champion. He was bullied as a child, but he took up taekwondo to defend himself and quickly realized that he was good at it. He eventually started doing karate and Thai boxing, and he is now a successful martial artist.

Bas Rutten is a martial arts expert and former UFC champion. He is known for his sense of humor and for his willingness to try new things. In this conversation with Tim Ferriss, Rutten discusses his early interest in martial arts, his time training with Bruce Lee, and his unconventional approach to life.

Bas Rutten is a former MMA fighter who became famous in Japan. He talks about his early days fighting in Holland, and how he decided to use the opportunity to fight in Japan as a way to work on his technique. He ended up winning the fight, and his wife told him he would be famous in Japan. He recalls a particular fight where he knocked out his opponent and then became recognized by people all over Japan. Bas Rutten and Tim Ferriss discuss the difference between fighting in Japan as Wayne Shamrock and in the US as Ken Shamrock. Bas Rutten describes Ken Shamrock as a deep thinker, and Funaki as a good friend who helped him a lot. In his first MMA fight, Bas Rutten faced off against Kazushi Sakuraba, who he had a difficult time beating. However, in their rematch years later, Rutten won.

Bas Rutten and Tim Ferriss discuss the Japanese MMA scene in the early 1990s. Rutten describes some of the top fighters at the time, including Yuki Kondo and Shibuya. He talks about his own experience fighting in Japan, and how impressed he was with the level of competition. The author describes fighting Takahashi and how he accidentally broke Takahashi's foot during the fight. He reflects on how this changed Takahashi's life, causing him to never fight again. Dana White and Chuck Liddell went to Japan to see Pride fighting, and were both amazed by the scale and intensity of the event. Bas Rutten was commentating at the time, and recalls that Dana White had his mouth open in disbelief at what he was seeing. The UFC bought Pride Fighting Championships after Quinton won a fight, adding many great fighters to the UFC and making it even bigger. Bas Rutten recalls an encounter with Mirko Cro Cop, a Croatian fighter known for his formidable skills. Cro Cop was set to face Tim Ferriss in an upcoming match, and told Rutten that he would only agree to be interviewed by him. Ferriss was impressed by Cro Cop's size and demeanor, and the two went on to have a successful fight. Mauro Ranallo was a kickboxer who came from K-1, the biggest kickboxing organization on the planet. He was known for his left high kick, which often resulted in knockout victories. Ranallo was facing Ron Waterman, a pastor who was also a giant guy. Before the fight, Ranallo's commentating partner interviewed Waterman, which left Ranallo to interview Mirko Cro Cop. Cro Cop was a powerful fighter who didn't like to do interviews before his fights. When he did interview Ranallo, he scared him so much that Ranallo had to do the interview. The story is about a time when Mirko Cro Cop punked Mauro Ranallo. Mauro was nervous and Mirko was serious. Mauro ran away and Bas helped him. In the end, they became friends.

In this excerpt, Tim Ferriss interviews Bas Rutten, a former professional fighter, about self-defense. Rutten explains that the first step in self-defense is to learn the basics, like footwork and how to throw a punch. He also stresses the importance of being prepared and knowing your limitations. Bas Rutten teaches people how to defend themselves using preventative measures and a few key weapons. He emphasizes the importance of training regularly to be able to properly defend oneself.

Bas Rutten offers advice on how to handle aggressive situations and avoid fights. He suggests taking the two people involved in the situation to the side and away from the rest of the people in the room. He also suggests using deescalation techniques when possible. The speaker describes how to diffuses fights by breaking down the situation and talking to the parties involved. He emphasizes the importance of remaining calm and looking at the other person's hands. The speaker gives advice on how to avoid fights, what to do if a fight does occur, and how to handle knives. He stresses the importance of not letting ego get in the way and of being aware of your surroundings.

Bas Rutten discusses the role of prayer in his life and how it has helped him to focus and calm down. He also explains what the "mysteries" are in relation to the rosary. Rutten and Tim Ferriss are talking about how Christians are often portrayed as bad people. Rutten says that he thinks this is because people don't understand what it takes to be a good Christian. Ferriss then asks if Rutten thinks that people who go to church every week are automatically good Christians. Rutten responds that they're not necessarily good Christians, and that it takes more than just going to church to be one.

Bas Rutten talks about how he stopped drinking alcohol after he realized that it was controlling his life. He says that if everyone lived like he does, the world would be a much happier place. He describes a fight he got into where he ended up putting three people in the hospital. He was eventually arrested in Sweden for something he didn't do, but was fortunately saved by some powerful friends. This motivated him to become involved with the O2 Trainer, which helps people with respiratory issues.

The average human being has 11 pounds of breathing muscles. Metaboreflex is when your body regulates air flow. Stamina increases when you train a muscle over and over again because it becomes more efficient. 95 percent of us breathe wrong by chest breathing. The speaker discusses the benefits of horizontal breath and how it can help fighters recover from a hard round. He also talks about how tests show that after the age of 29, people's lungs start shrinking. The importance of training your breathing muscles is essential in order to win a triathlon. This is because when you train your breathing muscles, you are able to move more air in and out of your body, which gives you more oxygen. The person in the story is talking about how they found a way to increase their stamina by working out their breathing muscles. They say that the problem with this method is that it can make you more tired if your breathing muscles are already tired. However, they say that the trick is to just keep doing it for 30 days straight, and that once you update these muscles, the sky's the limit. In order to improve your breathing, you need to work out your breathing muscles. This can be done by doing four to five minutes of diaphragmatic breathing exercises every day.

Bas Rutten and Tim Ferriss discuss the benefits of the O2 Trainer, a device that helps improve breathing. They mention that the device can help with things like chest expansion and respiratory IQ. They also mention a website, breathingforwarriors.com, where people can learn more about the benefits of breathing exercises.

Bas Rutten and Tim Ferriss discuss the various breathing programs that Bas uses to improve his endurance and power, as well as the Body Action System, a punching and kicking device that Bas created. They also talk about prizefighting championships and living in Japan.

621 https://tim.blog/2022/09/15/bas-rutten/