The E-Book will always be free. Download the hardcover at Amazon @ with 100% of the proceeds going to Tim’s favorite charity - The Saisei Foundation

This book has been created as a public service - Visit Tim Ferriss official website @

690 The Random Show, Rare Drinking Edition — Affordable Luxuries, Brain Stimulation, Sampling the Future (and Some Previews), Recharging with Creative Experiments

690 The Random Show, Rare Drinking Edition — Affordable Luxuries, Brain Stimulation, Sampling the Future (and Some Previews), Recharging with Creative Experiments

This is a Chat GPT AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #690- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose are friends and co-hosts of The Tim Ferriss Show and The Random Show. They discuss a variety of topics and Kevin Rose shares his thoughts on the importance of starting with a rough draft. They also share a virtual cheers and discuss the merits of adding ice to wine.

The Swatch x Speedmaster collaboration is a great way to get the look of the iconic watch at a fraction of the price. The watches are made out of ceramic and come in a variety of colors, with each one representing a different planet. They're difficult to get, but definitely worth it if you're a watch enthusiast.

Kevin Rose is relaunching his podcast, The Kevin Rose Show. The show will be similar to the old show, but with some modifications. Rose says that he missed doing the podcast and that it's a lot of fun.

-Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the upcoming launch of Kevin's new podcast, Beta. -The podcast will be a variety show covering topics such as tech, investing, health, and work-life balance. -Some possible guests for the show include Elon Musk and other entrepreneurs.

The Legend of CCKPUNCH is a very compelling and visually stunning work of art that is the result of a collaborative effort between several artists. Despite being a solo artist himself, Tim Ferriss was able to effectively co-manage the project and give feedback that helped shape the final product. All proceeds from the sale of the artwork went to charity, and Ferriss is happy to have been able to contribute to such a worthwhile cause.

In this clip, Tim Ferriss talks about how he started a project called CCKPUNCH that allowed him to open up to collaboration and ultimately led to him writing his first book in six years with another person. He explains that by not being too precious or protective of the project, he was able to create something that had a lot of benefits and generated a lot of energy for him.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss how they handle final edits on their podcasts. Ferriss explains that he is slow to trust and slow to give up the reins, but that he has now reached a point where he feels comfortable letting his general manager make the vast majority of edit decisions.

In this interview, Tim Ferriss discusses the process of training someone to be a world-class editor for his podcast. He estimates that it took him at least a year to train his right-hand man, Kevin Rose. Ferriss says that the key to training someone effectively is to make sure they understand your thought process and can make decisions in your stead. He also advises that you have the person edit audio from a variety of sources, not just your own podcast, to accelerate the learning process.

The article discusses how Tim Ferriss was diagnosed with OCD by a psychiatrist and how he has been trying to manage it. He also talks about his experience with ADHD and how it has impacted his life.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the idea of changing the name of Tim's fantasy world, "The Legend of CCKPUNCH," to something more serious. Tim is hesitant to do so because it would require a lot of work to change everything to align with the new name. Kevin encourages Tim to make the change, arguing that it would make the world more viable.

Tim Ferriss is working on a CCKPUNCH project which is a fusion reactor that is working really well. He is having fun with it and does not want to take it too seriously. However, Kevin Rose points out that if he did take it seriously, he could go for it and try to make it a success. Tim Ferriss says that instead of avoiding the possibility of failure, the CCKPUNCH project is actually enabling him to swing for the fences in ways that he would never dare otherwise. He is risking many different types of failure by couching it in the terms that he has been using.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the benefits of reading fiction and recommend some good authors and books to get started with. They also mention the power of TED Talks, specifically Ethan Hawk's "Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative" monologue. is a site that allows users to post privately to their followers. The site is not affiliated with Twitter, and allows users to post without paying the 20% tax that Apple charges for in-app purchases.

The app "Sharesome" allows users to buy and sell "shares" of other users, with a portion of the proceeds going back to the user being bought or sold. The app is built on Ethereum, and uses a bonding curve to determine prices.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the social experiment of people buying and selling "shares" of each other. Ferriss asks Rose if he thinks the people at the bottom of the slide (who are selling their shares) are "scumbags," and Rose says that he doesn't think so. They discuss the benefits of being an early investor in someone, and how it can be a way to get rewarded for being a fan. They also talk about boxing, and how it can be a great workout.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the risks of brain damage from contact sports. They agree that while some contact is necessary for developing defensive skills, too much can be harmful. They also discuss the difficulties of diagnosing and treating brain injuries.

This presentation looks at a scientific study that examined the use of psilocybin in treating symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Psilocybin is the active component in magic mushrooms, and the study found that it can help to minimize or reverse symptoms in patients with Parkinson's. The presenter notes that while more research is needed, psychedelics like psilocybin show promise in treating neurocognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the cold therapy method of improving quality of life. Rose explains that he tried to sell the method, but found it difficult. Ferriss credits Tony Robbins for teaching him the importance of state, story, and strategy, and notes that cold therapy is the fastest way to change state. He recommends the Cold Pod for those interested in trying it out.

This is a conversation between Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose about the Cold Pod, a device that allows you to make cold brew coffee without having to sterilize your water. Kevin Rose says he loves it and it changed his day. Tim Ferriss says you need two 20 pound bags of ice to use it properly. They then discuss poetry, with Tim Ferriss mentioning that he has been delving back into it recently.

In this episode, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss poetry, specifically the work of Rumi and Ocean Vuong. They also recommend some other poets to check out, including Chiyo-ni.

Chiyo-ni was a Japanese poet of the Edo period and a Buddhist nun. She is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets of haiku, and is known for her works The Morning Glory, Putting up My Hair, and Again the Women. Kevin Rose recently read a book about her and was amazed by her story. Tim Ferriss then recommends the book Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History, which tells the story of the coyote's evolution and adaptation.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the book "Coyote America" and the history of how humans have interacted with coyotes. They also talk about supplements and how Ferriss has cut back on taking them over the years.

Collagen is a protein that is beneficial for reducing visible lines and improving skin health. Tim Ferriss takes collagen even though it makes him itch because the benefits outweigh the negatives. Kevin Rose recommends bone broth from Brodo as a healthy and delicious way to get collagen into your diet.

Creatine can cause stomach issues, but there is a buffered version that eliminates those problems. Tim Ferriss once had a creatine- and caffeine-induced "disaster pants" incident on a long flight.

-Aesop is a hand sanitizer company that Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose are talking about. -Ferriss has a new coffee product called CCKPUNCH that he is selling through his foundation. -Rose is testing a new product called OneSkin.

In this podcast, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the benefits of a peptide called OneSkin. This peptide clears out senescent cells, which improves skin quality. They also discuss the benefits of ProMix, a protein powder that is grass-fed and hormone-free.

The Toshiba low-carb rice cooker is a rice cooker that is designed to cook rice with a lower glycemic load. It has a basket that lets all of the starchy water drain to the bottom, and you end up with a much lower glycemic load. It cuts the carbs by 34 percent.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss their favorite cheat foods. Ferriss admits that he loves rice, while Rose confesses his weakness for ice cream and carrot cake. They both agree that martinis are a great choice for a night out.

Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the pros and cons of living in Los Angeles. Rose argues that the city is full of opportunity, while Ferriss counters that it is difficult to find genuine people amid all the pretense. They also discuss what they are looking for in a long-term relationship.

Kevin Rose recommends using Google Fi as your main phone number, with Verizon as your data-only plan. He explains that this is because Google Fi is more secure against SIM swaps, and also provides cheaper data plans when abroad.

Kevin Rose believes that Nvidia is a good investment for those interested in AI, and that AMD is a good cheap play. He also advises against investing in Facebook. His final pick is Nintendo, which he believes has the potential to be the next Disney.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the possibility of Nintendo's Zelda franchise becoming the next Lord of the Rings. They also talk about Nintendo's history, trading cards, and the new podcast Kevin Rose is launching.

691 Nassim Nicholas Taleb & Scott Patterson — How Traders Make Billions in The New Age of Crisis, Defending Against Silent Risks, Personal Independence, Skepticism Where It (Really) Counts

691 Nassim Nicholas Taleb & Scott Patterson — How Traders Make Billions in The New Age of Crisis, Defending Against Silent Risks, Personal Independence, Skepticism Where It (Really) Counts

689 The Brothers Who Live One Life — The Incredible Adventures of David and Daniil Liberman

689 The Brothers Who Live One Life — The Incredible Adventures of David and Daniil Liberman