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712 2024 New Year’s Resolutions, Tim’s 30-Day No-Caffeine Experiment, Mental Health Breakthroughs, AI Upheaval, Dealmaking and Advising for Startups, The Next-Gen of Note-Taking, and Much More

712 2024 New Year’s Resolutions, Tim’s 30-Day No-Caffeine Experiment, Mental Health Breakthroughs, AI Upheaval, Dealmaking and Advising for Startups, The Next-Gen of Note-Taking, and Much More

This is a OPEN AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #712- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose catch up in person in Austin and discuss Lalo Tequila, which Tim has invested in. They talk about how Tim first discovered the tequila at a restaurant and later became an investor. Kevin asks Tim about his strategy for investing in companies and Tim mentions that Kevin is very good at getting the attention of founders. They discuss the importance of adding value first and being sincere when sharing things you love.

The speaker discusses how they often use and invest in products and companies that they believe in. They share stories of missed opportunities and mention the importance of being helpful and building relationships with startups. They also touch on the idea of trading skills or services for equity in a company, and recommend resources for learning more about this approach.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss how companies use options pools to incentivize employees and advisors. They also share their approach to finding impactful advisors for their companies, which involves offering a small percentage of equity with no strings attached. The equity vests over time and can be cancelled at any point, making it a low-risk arrangement. They advise against overcomplicating things, especially when working with celebrities.

The conversation discusses the importance of building genuine relationships and making deals easy for potential partners. Examples are given of past deals with celebrities where there was no pressure to promote a product, rather just genuine interest and curiosity. The speakers also touch on the idea of finding the right people to work with on multiple projects and seeking out experts in different areas to fill any gaps in knowledge or strategy.

In a conversation between Rose and Ferriss, they discuss their past New Year's resolutions and their success rates. They also mention their current resolutions, including Rose's goal of going three months without drinking and Ferriss' involvement in a new meditation app called The Way. They discuss what makes this app unique and their thoughts on the saturated market for meditation apps.

The Way is a new meditation app that focuses on one singular path to lead users to an awakening moment in the future. It is for those looking for a deep and serious meditation experience and is currently in beta. Tim Ferriss has invested in the app and learned a lot about product through his experience with another company. Kevin Rose plans to start his three month resolution after his birthday, which will include no drinks, daily meditation, and organizing his thoughts digitally.

Multiple notetaking apps have recently incorporated AI, allowing users to search their notes more efficiently. The three main apps being considered are Notion, Craft, and Obsidian. Evernote is still popular despite previous struggles. Kevin Rose is launching a podcast and Tim Ferriss asks about potential privacy compromises with AI technology.

In a conversation between Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose, they discuss the risks of storing personal information on iCloud and the dangers of sending explicit photos. Kevin shares a story about a friend who had his iCloud hacked through social engineering and offers tips for protecting personal information.

Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the importance of securing personal data, particularly on cell phones and through messaging apps. They recommend using Google Fi with a new Gmail account and advanced protection, as well as local-only notetaking apps like Obsidian. They also mention the potential vulnerabilities of AI and the importance of plausible deniability in today's world.

The conversation discusses the potential use of AI technology to search and access information from podcasts and books. Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose explore the potential benefits and concerns of this technology, including liability issues and the possibility of scammers taking advantage of it. They also mention a real-life example of a frivolous lawsuit that was fueled by technology.

The speaker discusses their New Year's resolutions, specifically their goal to delegate tasks more effectively and not micromanage. They mention a blog post about accepting a small error rate in the service of speed and the idea of freeing oneself by letting go of control. They also mention a book recommendation from a friend.

The two hosts, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss, discuss the book "The Surrender Experiment" by Michael Singer, which is about the concept of surrendering to achieve freedom and happiness. They also mention a video course by Singer and Tim's personal experience with quick creative collaborations using NFTs. Tim discusses his past experience as a solo operator and his recent collaborations with artists, which he found to be enjoyable and successful.

Tim Ferriss discusses his experience with collaboration and his upcoming book project, which will focus on finding the essential and ignoring the trivial. He also mentions his interest in pursuing collaborations in other mediums such as screenplays, animation, and television. Additionally, he talks about his physical reboot and plans to indulge during the holidays.

Tim Ferriss discusses his love for gingerbread cookies and his intense outdoor training plans for January and February. He is optimistic about his physical health, as his biomarkers have improved significantly in the past year due to exercise and dietary changes. Kevin Rose asks about specific biomarkers, such as Apo B and homocysteine, and they discuss Tim's history of high uric acid levels and his current medication for it. Tim mentions a blog post about fructose and its connection to uric acid levels. He also mentions that his family has a history of cardiac issues but that dietary interventions have not had a significant impact on those issues.

The discussion is about Tim Ferriss' lipid profile and his use of a statin medication called NEXLIZET to improve his biomarkers. He also mentions the importance of reducing saturated fat intake and sticking to basic fundamentals in terms of exercise and healthy habits.

The conversation is about physical health and ways to lower blood pressure. Kevin Rose mentions a device called RESPeRATE recommended by Peter Attia, and another device called Aktiia that he is currently using. He shares the process of obtaining the device from the UK since it is not yet approved in the US. Tim Ferriss adds that high salt intake combined with water can have a big impact on blood pressure, and they briefly discuss how different foods affect their glycemic response. They also mention a previous episode where they discussed a rice cooker that reduces the glycemic response of rice.

During a conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss physical reboots and taking breaks from certain substances. Tim shares his experience of giving up caffeine, alcohol, and anything sweet for a month. They also joke about living in the same retirement home. Tim explains his reasoning for quitting cold turkey and the challenges he faced with finding sugar-free products.

Tim Ferriss shares his experience of giving up caffeine and sweeteners for a period of time, inspired by someone who quit caffeine cold turkey and saw improvements in their life. He talks about how his sleep issues improved during this time and how he wanted to see his true baseline without any external factors.

The speaker discusses taking a break from all supplements and prescription medications for a month. They also mention listening to an audiobook about quitting caffeine and realizing their dependence on coffee as a "security blanket." Despite knowing the negative effects of caffeine, they still use it as a coping mechanism in times of stress. The speaker does not typically drink coffee in the afternoon, but has recently violated this habit due to a challenging week.

The speakers discuss their experiences with caffeine and how it affects their sleep and overall well-being. They also mention the addictive nature of caffeine and how quickly tolerance and withdrawal symptoms can develop. They touch on the potential benefits of taking breaks from caffeine and trying alternative methods for boosting energy.

This passage discusses the use of high-dose cacao in Mexico and its potential for inducing spiritual states. The conversation also touches on the history and effects of other plants, such as tobacco, when consumed in high doses. The speakers mention a cacao supplement that may have cognitive and blood pressure benefits, but caution against trying high doses of any plant at home due to potential fatal risks.

The conversation discusses the effects of various substances such as cacao, tobacco, and caffeine on the body. It emphasizes the importance of understanding one's baseline and being aware of potential dependencies. The hosts also mention the book Radical Acceptance and its impact on them.

Kevin Rose discusses his experience with experimenting and going without certain things, such as caffeine. He also talks about his involvement in the world of Web3 and NFTs, specifically his project Moonbirds which has seen over a billion dollars in trades. He also shares the impact of NFT price fluctuations on people and their reactions to it.

Kevin Rose discusses the emotional and physical toll that the downfall of NFTs has taken on him, leading to anxiety and health issues. He shares his experience with ketamine therapy and how it has helped him cope with the stress. The idea of ketamine clinics being shady is debunked, as it is commonly used in emergency rooms to prevent suicide. Rose discovered ketamine therapy through Andrew Huberman's podcast and decided to try it as a way to reset and handle the negative feedback he was receiving on Twitter.

During an interview, Kevin Rose revealed that he had tried ketamine for anxiety treatment and found a reputable clinic called Golden Afternoon in LA. He explained that ketamine should only be taken under professional supervision and that recreational use can be dangerous. The clinic provided a comfortable and safe environment for treatment, which consists of multiple sessions. Kevin found the experience to be helpful in managing his anxiety.

Kevin Rose describes his experience with a unique therapy involving ketamine, which he compares to an intense ab workout. The sessions are internal, lasting about 1.5 hours with music and an eye mask, and can cause discomfort as they work to rewire the brain. However, after several sessions, Rose feels a sense of peace and lightness, similar to when he was a child. He also discusses the importance of not taking life too seriously and being grateful for what we have. The therapy involves surrendering and allowing the drug to do its work on the brain.

Ketamine therapy has been shown to improve mental and emotional well-being in individuals, with some experiencing a natural lift and lightness after several sessions. It has been used successfully for depression, chronic pain, and suicidal ideation. The therapy is not widely discussed in certain professions due to potential career risks. One individual who tried ketamine therapy found it to be effective in interrupting negative thought patterns and providing a window for exploring other options. Ketamine therapy has also been used for chronic pain with positive results. The speaker has personally tried ketamine therapy and found it to be a unique and interesting experience.

Ketamine can cause short-term memory loss after a session, but Kevin Rose did not experience this. Tim Ferriss had this side effect while using ketamine, which caused anxiety during important interviews. Both Kevin and Tim had positive experiences with ketamine therapy, with Kevin's anxiety levels decreasing significantly. It is important to use ketamine therapy under medical supervision and not for at-home treatment, as it can be addictive and have potential urological risks. Those with a history of alcohol abuse may be more susceptible to abusing ketamine.

The conversation is about the use of ketamine for therapy and the dangers of recreational use. The hosts discuss how ketamine can be helpful for depression in a clinical setting but can lead to addiction and worsen depression if used recreationally. They also mention the risks of using drugs like propofol, which was the drug that Michael Jackson died from, and the importance of regular medical screenings.

Ketamine is a safe drug that is listed as one of the World Health Organization's Top 100 essential medicines. It does not suppress respiration and has a low risk profile. However, like any substance, it can be harmful if used in excess. Ketamine has shown promising results in treating depression and has the potential to create long-lasting changes in the brain. Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the benefits and potential risks of ketamine therapy and its potential for treating mental health conditions.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the potential of AI and ketamine treatment for mental health. They caution against fly-by-night clinics and recommend doing thorough research on practitioners. They also share a personal experience with a doctor who has had success with ketamine treatment. Tim Ferriss advises treating drug-assisted therapy with the same caution and research as a surgeon performing brain surgery. He also shares a crazy drug story involving Andrew Huberman.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss their drinking preferences and experiences, with Tim mentioning his tolerance for alcohol and Kevin sharing a wild drug story involving a tattoo and a machine that creates art using fine needles. They also talk about a premier generative artist named Tyler Hobbs and his artwork, which can sell for millions of dollars.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss a new technology that allows for high-fidelity tattoos by using optical lenses, lasers, and algorithms. They discuss Kevin's upcoming tattoo of a sparrow that degrades into a pixelated form and the potential for this technology to create unique, one-of-a-kind tattoos by famous artists. The technology is being developed by a startup called Blackdot in Austin.

Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss getting tattoos of their dogs' paw prints, reminisce about their dogs' mischievous behavior, and reflect on the emotional impact of having a pet. Tim shares how having a dog has changed him and taught him about giving and receiving love. He also mentions how his dog has served as a mirror for his own behavior and emotions.

Two friends, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss, discuss their experiences with dogs and how they have taught them valuable lessons. Tim plans to get a second dog soon and possibly a tattoo to remember his first dog, Molly. They also mention a tattoo artist named Jess who is highly recommended.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the importance of building strong relationships and having a shorthand for communication in order to avoid and repair conflicts. They also mention the benefits of reading books like "The Five Love Languages" and "Conscious Loving" to better understand each other's needs. Additionally, they touch on the potential benefits of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in improving intimate relationships.

MDMA psychotherapy has shown promising results in treating treatment-resistant PTSD or complex PTSD, with some patients becoming asymptomatic after only a few sessions. This is causing a reexamination of psychiatry. MDMA has also shown potential in couples therapy, but it is currently illegal and carries risks. It is recommended to be cautious and use resources like for testing kits. Tim Ferriss suggests focusing on a small group of close friends who are nourishing and supportive instead of seeking shallow relationships.

Life's limitations and constraints can actually be empowering by helping us make decisions more efficiently. Before seeking new relationships, it's important to prioritize spending time with close friends. The speakers discuss the importance of expressing love and gratitude for others, especially in the face of life's uncertainties. They also touch on the potential for psychedelics to amplify feelings of love and gratitude, but caution that they are not a cure-all for societal issues.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the feeling of unity and connectedness that can come from certain experiences, leading to a sense of gratitude and combating feelings of isolation. Tim also shares his personal struggle with lower back issues and how it caused him anxiety about the future. However, he has found a solution and Kevin jokingly mentions Tim's popular skincare routine.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss Ferriss' terrifying experience with ayahuasca, a powerful plant-based medicine. Ferriss had a difficult experience and realized that he had been suppressing the heartbreak from his recent separation. He also talks about his struggles with depression and how he manages it better each year. They also mention the risks and dangers associated with using ayahuasca.

The speaker reflects on a difficult time in college where they almost killed themselves and how they recently had a profound experience while fasting. They discuss a book about healing back pain and the potential benefits of alternative methods like ayahuasca, but warn against its potential risks. The speaker also shares their own mistakes in not properly caring for their back and the importance of seeking professional advice before trying any alternative treatments.

Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the possibility of doing a show on ayahuasca, but Tim suggests focusing on other topics first. They also talk about the book "Sarno" and its potential to help with stress-related disorders. Tim shares a simple solution for lower back pain - using a Pilates ball. They wrap up by expressing gratitude and Tim's friend Kevin Rose thanking him for his support and friendship.

Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose express their love and appreciation for each other's friendship and the importance of expressing love and gratitude to loved ones. They also reflect on the recent passing of a mutual friend, Roland, who was a dedicated meditator and lived a life of joy and optimism until the end. They encourage listeners to not wait to express their feelings to loved ones as life is uncertain. They end by toasting to the new year and continuing on a path of change and exploration.

In a conversation between Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose, they discuss their shared pursuit of personal growth and evolution. They also mention the importance of being kind to oneself and others, as well as the fact that no one ever truly has life figured out. They encourage listeners to check out Kevin's new podcast and remind them to take it easy in life.

713 Matt Mullenweg — The Art of Crafting a Sabbatical, Tips for Defending Against Hackers, Leveraging Open Source, Thriving in an AI World, and Tips for Life’s Darkest Hours

713 Matt Mullenweg — The Art of Crafting a Sabbatical, Tips for Defending Against Hackers, Leveraging Open Source, Thriving in an AI World, and Tips for Life’s Darkest Hours

711 Andrew Rosener — Becoming The Hokkaido Scallop King, Leasing Blue Chip URLs, Life Tenets from Charlie Tuna, Selling 8-Figure Domains, and More

711 Andrew Rosener — Becoming The Hokkaido Scallop King, Leasing Blue Chip URLs, Life Tenets from Charlie Tuna, Selling 8-Figure Domains, and More