Tiny Tim Ferriss - AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Show

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622 A Rare In-Person Random Show with Kevin Rose — VR Workouts, I Bonds, Excellent Movies, Recent Books, Lessons from Amy Tan, How to Shape Your Mind, and More

This is a OPEN AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #622- visit www.TinyTim.blog for more AI summaries, or www.Tim.blog for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

In this special edition of The Tim Ferriss Show, Tim and Kevin sit down for a chat while drinking tequila. They discuss Kevin's new apartment in Los Angeles and various other topics. Kevin Rose moved from Portland to Los Angeles because of the rains and lack of friends. He had a baby and with COVID and everything you don't get around the new baby and all that stuff. So it was tough. But my family lives out there. My mom's out there. My sister's still out there. And we just decided, hey, let's get away from them. No, I'm just kidding! Honestly, with all the NFT stuff going on, and the majority of my calls were either L.A. or New York that I was having work wise, and so why not get down to where everything is happening? Kevin Rose is discussing his move from New York to the West Coast, and how it was partly motivated by wanting to be closer to his mom, who is undergoing cancer treatments. He also talks about how he and his wife are enjoying a bottle of champagne. Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss are drinking Ace of Spades champagne and discussing Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, and protests. In this conversation, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the idea that public figures are becoming less and less famous over time. Ferriss argues that this is due to the increasing pool of people competing for attention online. Rose asks Ferriss if he would ever consider taking on Joe Rogan in the world of podcasting, but Ferriss says that Rogan has already won and it's not something he's interested in.

In the podcast, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss a variety of topics, including endurance, private jets, psychedelics, and ayahuasca. Ferriss explains that he was given final cut on the show, and that he didn't go easy on Zuckerberg. Rose asks if Ferriss prepared for the interview by asking questions that were off-limits. Ferriss says that he didn't prepare in that way, but that he did research Mike Wallace in order to better understand the art of interviewing. The speaker didn't want to be aggressive for the sake of being aggressive and felt that certain topics would be a waste of time to bring up. They felt that their show was well researched and thoughtful and that it would preserve value over time. In the podcast, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the idea of a live show. Rose believes that the magic of a live show is that it allows for more intimate details to be shared between the host and guest. Ferriss is not sure if he wants to move to Los Angeles and do a live show, but he is open to the idea. Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the benefits of moving to Austin, Texas. Ferriss explains that he moved there to get away from the tech scene in San Francisco, but has found that Austin has become just as much of a scene as SF. Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the phenomenon of "conspirituality" and how it has taken over Austin. Ferriss laments the fact that people are now doing things like ayahuasca solely because it is popular, and not for the right reasons. Rose agrees, and the two discuss how they try to avoid status games and keep their lives modest.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of taking psychedelics. Ferriss describes the experience as "very amazing" but notes that it can also be emotionally challenging. He also discusses the potential for psychedelics to help us understand the mind and consciousness in ways that were not possible before. In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the potential benefits of taking ayahuasca. Kevin Rose argues that taking the drug could open up new doors and help him learn more about himself. Tim Ferriss warns of the potential dangers of long-term ketamine use. Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the pros and cons of using compounds to alter brain plasticity. Rose argues that while the changes can be initially beneficial, they often don't last, and he worries about the long-term effects of using them. Ferriss counters that meditation can provide a more steady and lasting path to consciousness alteration.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the movie "Elvis & Nixon" and the book "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once". They both recommend the movie and book, respectively. Tim Ferriss gives a bit of trivia about the movie and Kevin Rose tells a story about his wife's reaction to the movie. In the fifth installment of the "Movies to Watch" series, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the movie Airplane. They discuss how the movie would never get made today due to its cringe-worthy humor and sexist jokes. They also discuss how there are many iconic moments in the movie. Tim Ferriss then recommends the movie Spirited Away as his favorite movie of all time. He cites the coming of age story, the strong female lead, and the beautiful animation as reasons why he loves it so much. In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss books and the new Amazon Lord of the Rings series. Tim Ferriss recommends the book A Wizard of Earthsea and talks about how it influenced Harry Potter. He also talks about how The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien influenced many archetypes in fantasy worlds. Kevin Rose has not seen the new Amazon Lord of the Rings series yet, but Tim Ferriss says he will watch it.

In this conversation, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss Ursula K. Le Guin, The Neverending Story, The Random Show, I bonds, Amy Tan, rejections, criticism, weight loss, and the Supernatural VR.

In the podcast, Tim Ferriss interviews Kevin Rose about his experience with cancer. Rose had a stage one cancer that was only one millimeter and was told by doctors that it was nothing to worry about because it was so small. However, he was also told that he had a few spots in his brain and swollen lymph nodes on his left side (from the COVID vaccine), which were all normal and not cancerous. In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the importance of getting routine diagnostics. Rose recounts a story of a friend who had a growth in his brain that was found during a routine exam and saved his life. Ferriss stresses the importance of not pushing out the interval between diagnostics if something is supposed to be done every five years - get it more frequently.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the potential of psychedelics to shift treatment paradigms in the next 10 to 15 years. They also mention the promising new breakthroughs in immunotherapy and how psychedelics could potentially help treat mental illness.

622 https://tim.blog/2022/09/23/a-rare-in-person-random-show-kevin-rose/