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636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project

636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project

This is a OPEN AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #636- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss non-fungible tokens (NFTs), with Ferriss explaining his reasons for getting into the space and his upcoming project. 100% of the proceeds from the project will go to Ferriss' foundation.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the idea of releasing a comic book or graphic novel series through Ferriss' massive podcast. Rose points out that the majority of people in this space are only interested in making a quick buck, and Ferriss agrees that this is the case. They both discuss how worldbuilding can be fun because it allows the writer to set up a situation and not know what will happen next. They also talk about how NFT projects can be connected to writing and how the two can work together.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the idea that if you're a dick, you shouldn't expect any benefits. Ferriss argues that if you're an idiot, you shouldn't be part of his world and he will block you in whatever way he can. Rose agrees, and shares a story about a time when he was invited back to Ferriss' house after initially being kicked out. The speaker discusses the complicated issue of intellectual property rights and how they relate to NFTs. They mention that there is a broad spectrum of opinion on the issue, with some people believing that NFTs will oversaturate the market and damage fictional worlds and characters, while others believe that NFTs could be a way to protect intellectual property.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the various types of derivative products that are associated with books and how to respond to them. They also talk about the importance of taking these things seriously in order to create a world that makes sense and is engaging for readers.

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss some of Ferriss' ideas for potential collaborations, including one with Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton. Ferriss also mentions that he once joked with Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic, about naming a project "Dildog" - but Adams was not amused. The project is called Cockpunch and it is a fundraising effort by Tim Ferriss to raise money for the foundation he supports. The project includes artwork of eight primary houses, with a lot of history behind it. The goal of the project is to raise money for the foundation, which will then be used to support science and scientists.

In the new game "The Legend of Cockpunch," players will take on the role of Viking warriors in different clans, competing for resources. The game's logo features a detailed image of a Goliath rooster. The upcoming 3D modelling software teaser impressed viewers with its level of detail and cinematics. Tim Ferriss, who is working on the project, has a good memory and is proud of the work that has gone into the project. In an interview, Ferriss discusses his work on The 4-Hour Chef and how it has evolved. He also talks about how he would like to explore things like games and royalties in the future. Ferriss does not plan on funding any line extensions or derivative projects related to his NFTs in the future but is open to partnering with companies who would license the IP. A specialized company does a better job than anyone else at figuring out a deal structure that allows for ongoing payments to artists. In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the economics of the book industry and how little money authors make from their sales. Ferriss argues that publishers need to cut their fees in order to make it easier for authors to survive and thrive. He also suggests that musicians make very little money from streaming platforms.

In this conversation, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the need for revenue in order to sustain Web3. Rose argues that if a company is not making money, it should not be charging royalties. Ferriss agrees, and adds that if a company is losing money from a transaction, it should not be charged royalties. They also discuss the possibility of selling a product with a limited supply in order to generate more interest and excitement around it. Ferriss is in favor of the idea, as it would align with his own values and give him more control over the product. Finally, they discuss the recent popularity of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

In this conversation, Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose discuss the importance of maintaining a sense of playfulness in work and life. Ferriss shares how happy he was to get texts from Rose during a recent launch event, and Rose talks about how he continues to enjoy his work because it feels like play. They encourage people to take time to relax and have fun, as this is when good creative work is done.


637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

635 Jason Calacanis on Brooklyn Grit, Big Asks, Angel Investing (Uber, Calm, Robinhood, and More), The Magic of Thinking Big, and St*bbing People in the Face but Never in the Back

635 Jason Calacanis on Brooklyn Grit, Big Asks, Angel Investing (Uber, Calm, Robinhood, and More), The Magic of Thinking Big, and St*bbing People in the Face but Never in the Back