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648 James Clear, Atomic Habits — Mastering Habits, Growing an Email List to 2M People, Selling 10M Books, Cultivating Self-Awareness, and Much More

648 James Clear, Atomic Habits — Mastering Habits, Growing an Email List to 2M People, Selling 10M Books, Cultivating Self-Awareness, and Much More

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In his book *Atomic Habits*, James Clear shares his insights on how to change your behavior and build good habits. He argues that small, consistent changes can lead to big results over time.

**The Four Laws of Behavior Change**

Clear identifies four laws of behavior change:

1. **Make it obvious.** Make the desired behavior easy to do.
2. **Make it attractive.** Make the desired behavior appealing.
3. **Make it easy to track.** Track your progress so you can see how you're doing.
4. **Make it satisfying.** Reward yourself for your progress.

**How to Apply the Four Laws of Behavior Change**

Clear provides several examples of how to apply the four laws of behavior change. For example, if you want to start exercising more, you could:

* **Make it obvious:** Put your workout clothes out the night before so you're ready to go in the morning.
* **Make it attractive:** Find an activity that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule.
* **Make it easy to track:** Keep a journal of your workouts so you can see how you're progressing.
* **Make it satisfying:** Reward yourself for your workouts with something you enjoy, such as a new book or a massage.

**The Power of Small Habits**

Clear argues that small habits can have a big impact over time. He says that the key is to focus on making small, consistent changes that you can stick with.

**How to Make Small Habits Stick**

Clear provides several tips for making small habits stick:

* **Start small.** Don't try to change too much at once. Start with a small habit that you know you can stick with.
* **Make it easy.** Make the habit as easy as possible to do. This means breaking it down into small steps and removing any obstacles.
* **Be consistent.** The key to making any habit stick is consistency. Do the habit every day, even if it's just for a few minutes.
* **Celebrate your progress.** When you reach a milestone, celebrate your progress. This will help you stay motivated.


Clear's book *Atomic Habits* is a practical guide to changing your behavior and building good habits. He provides a clear and concise framework for making small, consistent changes that can lead to big results over time. If you're looking to change your behavior, *Atomic Habits* is a must-read.

Here are some additional key points from the book:

* The key to changing your behavior is to focus on making small, consistent changes that you can stick with.
* Small habits can have a big impact over time.
* The key to making small habits stick is to start small, make it easy, be consistent, and celebrate your progress.


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