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658 CEO Coach Matt Mochary — Live Coaching with Tim, Why Fear and Anger Give Bad Advice, How to Perform Personal Energy Audits, The Power of Accountability Partners, Delegation Tips

658 CEO Coach Matt Mochary — Live Coaching with Tim, Why Fear and Anger Give Bad Advice, How to Perform Personal Energy Audits, The Power of Accountability Partners, Delegation Tips

This is a Google Bard AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #658- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

In this episode of the Tim Ferriss Show, Tim interviews CEO coach Matt Mochary. Mochary discusses the importance of emotional intelligence for CEOs, and how to overcome fear and anger in order to make better decisions.

**Emotional Intelligence for CEOs**

Mochary argues that emotional intelligence is essential for CEOs. He defines emotional intelligence as the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Mochary argues that CEOs who are emotionally intelligent are better able to build relationships, make decisions, and lead their teams.

**Overcoming Fear and Anger**

Mochary discusses the importance of overcoming fear and anger in order to make better decisions. He argues that fear and anger can cloud our judgment and lead us to make poor decisions. Mochary offers several tips for overcoming fear and anger, including:

* Identifying the root of the fear or anger
* Developing a plan to address the fear or anger
* Practicing mindfulness and meditation
* Seeking professional help

**Key Points**

* Emotional intelligence is essential for CEOs.
* Fear and anger can cloud our judgment and lead us to make poor decisions.
* There are several ways to overcome fear and anger, including:
* Identifying the root of the fear or anger
* Developing a plan to address the fear or anger
* Practicing mindfulness and meditation
* Seeking professional help


Mochary's interview provides valuable insights for CEOs who are looking to improve their emotional intelligence and make better decisions. His tips for overcoming fear and anger can be helpful for anyone who is struggling to make decisions in the face of these emotions.

Here are some additional key points from the interview:

* CEOs should be aware of their own emotional triggers.
* CEOs should develop a plan to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.
* CEOs should surround themselves with people who can help them stay calm and focused.
* CEOs should take breaks when they need them.
* CEOs should not be afraid to ask for help.


659 Michael Mauboussin — How Great Investors Make Decisions, Harnessing The Wisdom (vs. Madness) of Crowds, Lessons from Race Horses, and More

659 Michael Mauboussin — How Great Investors Make Decisions, Harnessing The Wisdom (vs. Madness) of Crowds, Lessons from Race Horses, and More

657 Professor John Vervaeke — How to Build a Life of Wisdom, Flow, and Contemplation

657 Professor John Vervaeke — How to Build a Life of Wisdom, Flow, and Contemplation