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636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project

636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project

This is a Google Bard AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #636- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

In the text file, Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss Tim's new art project, COCKPUNCH. The project is a series of paintings of roosters punching each other. Tim explains that he was inspired to create the project after seeing a rooster fight in real life. He was struck by the beauty and violence of the fight, and he wanted to capture that in his art.

Tim says that he has been working on the COCKPUNCH project for over a year. He has painted over 100 paintings, and he is still working on new ones. He says that he is not sure when he will finish the project, but he is enjoying the process.

Kevin and Tim discuss the challenges of creating art. They talk about the importance of finding inspiration, and the importance of perseverance. They also talk about the importance of not being afraid to experiment.

Kevin and Tim conclude the discussion by talking about the future of COCKPUNCH. They say that they are planning to exhibit the paintings in a gallery, and they are also planning to create a book about the project.

Here are some of the key points from the text file:

* Tim Ferriss is creating a series of paintings of roosters punching each other.
* The project is called COCKPUNCH.
* Tim was inspired to create the project after seeing a rooster fight in real life.
* Tim has been working on the project for over a year.
* Tim is not sure when he will finish the project, but he is enjoying the process.
* Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss discuss the challenges of creating art.
* Kevin and Tim conclude the discussion by talking about the future of COCKPUNCH.


637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

635 Jason Calacanis on Brooklyn Grit, Big Asks, Angel Investing (Uber, Calm, Robinhood, and More), The Magic of Thinking Big, and St*bbing People in the Face but Never in the Back

635 Jason Calacanis on Brooklyn Grit, Big Asks, Angel Investing (Uber, Calm, Robinhood, and More), The Magic of Thinking Big, and St*bbing People in the Face but Never in the Back