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637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

637 Stephen Wolfram — Personal Productivity Systems, Richard Feynman Stories, Computational Thinking as a Superpower, Perceiving a Branching Universe, and The Ruliad… The Biggest Object in Metascience

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In this article, Stephen Wolfram discusses his personal productivity systems, his admiration for Richard Feynman, the importance of computational thinking, and his view of the universe as a branching tree.

Wolfram is a physicist, mathematician, and computer scientist. He is the founder of Wolfram Research, which develops the Mathematica software. Wolfram is also the author of several books, including A New Kind of Science and The Simple Beauty of Numbers.

In the article, Wolfram discusses his personal productivity system, which he calls the Wolfram Way. The Wolfram Way is based on the idea of using technology to automate as much of your work as possible. Wolfram believes that this frees up your mind to focus on the creative aspects of your work.

Wolfram also discusses his admiration for Richard Feynman. Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who was known for his ability to explain complex scientific concepts in simple terms. Wolfram believes that Feynman's ability to communicate complex ideas was a result of his computational thinking skills.

Computational thinking is the ability to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Wolfram believes that computational thinking is a superpower that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems.

Finally, Wolfram discusses his view of the universe as a branching tree. Wolfram believes that the universe is constantly evolving and branching into new possibilities. He believes that this branching process is what gives the universe its complexity and beauty.

**Key Points:**

* Personal productivity systems can help you to automate your work and free up your mind for creativity.
* Computational thinking is a superpower that can be used to solve a wide variety of problems.
* The universe is constantly evolving and branching into new possibilities.


Wolfram's article is a thought-provoking look at personal productivity, computational thinking, and the nature of the universe. He provides valuable insights that can help you to be more productive, think more creatively, and understand the world around you better.

Here are some additional thoughts from Wolfram on personal productivity, computational thinking, and the nature of the universe:

* **Personal productivity systems should be tailored to your individual needs.** There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
* **Computational thinking is not just about computers.** It is about thinking in terms of algorithms and data structures.
* **The universe is a complex and beautiful place.** It is worth taking the time to understand it.


639 Todd McFarlane, Legendary Comic Book Artist — How to Make Iconic Art, Reinvent Spider-Man, Live Life on Your Own Terms, and Meet Every Deadline

639 Todd McFarlane, Legendary Comic Book Artist — How to Make Iconic Art, Reinvent Spider-Man, Live Life on Your Own Terms, and Meet Every Deadline

636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project

636 The Big Reveal The Legend of COCKPUNCH — Kevin Rose and Tim Ferriss on Tim’s New and Extremely Bizarre Art Project