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667 Dr. Gül Dölen on Rethinking Psychedelics, New Applications (Autism, Stroke, and Allergies), The Neurobiology of Beginner’s Mind, Octopuses on MDMA, and The Master Key of Metaplasticity

667 Dr. Gül Dölen on Rethinking Psychedelics, New Applications (Autism, Stroke, and Allergies), The Neurobiology of Beginner’s Mind, Octopuses on MDMA, and The Master Key of Metaplasticity

This is a Google Bard AI summary of the Tim Ferriss Podcast #667- visit for more AI summaries, or for the official Tim Ferriss Podcasts.

In this interview, Dr. Giel Dolen discusses the potential benefits of psychedelics for a variety of conditions, including autism, stroke, and allergies. He also talks about the neurobiology of psychedelics and how they can help to create a "beginner's mind" state, which is characterized by openness, curiosity, and a lack of preconceptions.

Dr. Dolen begins by discussing the history of psychedelics and how they have been used for centuries for religious and spiritual purposes. He then talks about the recent resurgence of interest in psychedelics for their potential medical benefits.

Dr. Dolen cites a number of studies that have shown the potential benefits of psychedelics for a variety of conditions, including autism, stroke, and allergies. For example, one study found that psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) can help to reduce symptoms of autism in adults. Another study found that LSD can help to improve cognitive function in people who have had a stroke. And a third study found that ayahuasca (a plant-based psychedelic) can help to reduce allergic symptoms.

Dr. Dolen then talks about the neurobiology of psychedelics and how they can help to create a "beginner's mind" state. He explains that psychedelics work by increasing activity in the default mode network, which is a network of brain regions that are associated with self-referential thought. When the default mode network is deactivated, it allows people to experience the world in a new and fresh way. This can lead to a number of benefits, including increased creativity, empathy, and compassion.

Dr. Dolen concludes by discussing the potential risks of psychedelics. He emphasizes that psychedelics should only be used under the supervision of a trained professional. He also warns that psychedelics can have negative side effects, such as anxiety and paranoia.

Overall, Dr. Dolen's interview provides a comprehensive overview of the potential benefits and risks of psychedelics. He argues that psychedelics have the potential to be a powerful tool for healing and transformation, but that they should be used with caution.

**Key Points**

* Psychedelics have a long history of use for religious and spiritual purposes.
* Recent research has shown the potential benefits of psychedelics for a variety of conditions, including autism, stroke, and allergies.
* Psychedelics work by increasing activity in the default mode network, which is a network of brain regions that are associated with self-referential thought.
* Deactivating the default mode network can lead to a number of benefits, including increased creativity, empathy, and compassion.
* Psychedelics should only be used under the supervision of a trained professional.
* Psychedelics can have negative side effects, such as anxiety and paranoia.


668 Derek Sivers — The Joys of an Un-Optimized Life, Finding Paths Less Traveled, Creating Tech Independence (and Risks of the Cloud), Taking Giant Leaps, and Picking the Right “Game of Life”

668 Derek Sivers — The Joys of an Un-Optimized Life, Finding Paths Less Traveled, Creating Tech Independence (and Risks of the Cloud), Taking Giant Leaps, and Picking the Right “Game of Life”

665 Danny Meyer, Founder of Shake Shack — How to Win, The Art of The Graceful “No,” Overcoming Setbacks, The 6 Traits of Exceptional People, The 4 Quadrants of Performance

665 Danny Meyer, Founder of Shake Shack — How to Win, The Art of The Graceful “No,” Overcoming Setbacks, The 6 Traits of Exceptional People, The 4 Quadrants of Performance